Every Mom Can Build Flat Toned Abs Post Pregnancy At Any Age!
The 5 Proven Steps I Used To Heal My Diastasis Recti & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Post C-section & Build Shredded Abs At Age 38!
"I Had A Bulge On My Tummy Long After My Delivery And I Had No Idea Why "

Did you know that 60% of women develop Diastasis Recti during and after pregnancy and many of them don’t even know that they have it?

If you are wondering why you still look pregnant even months after the delivery you might be suffering from abdominal separation. 

But the good news is that you can heal this no matter how far postpartum your are, and you can build flat toned abs by putting in only 15 min per day! 

There Is A Very Simple Reason Behind Mommy Pooch Post Pregnancy !

Hi My name is Adoriana Rastou. I am a holistic nutritionist, personal trainer and a new mom. I'm passionate about healing and transforming the body with simple holistic nutrition & macro based principles without cutting out the food you love.   

I recently had a daughter and like many of you she was delivered through C-section. One day when I went for a stroll outside, as I was crossing the street, I walked over an uneven pavement and tripped and fell onto the street with incoming cars and landed right on my fresh C-section incisions. Ouch!literally thought I ripped my scar open.

After seeing my doctor, it turned out that Diastasis Recti had weakened my core causing poor stability

Thankfully, I was not holding my daughter at that moment and I walked away with just a few scrapes and torn clothes. I don't want to even think about the potential injury the fall could have caused her.

Diastasis Recti could also affect the quality of life. I was wondering why I had hard time bending over to tie my shoelaces or loading the dishwasher!

If Diastasis Recti is not treated, it can becomes worse by doing simple daily tasks like sitting up or picking up your baby and it will lead to lower back pain, urine leakage, constipation, bloating, poor stability and in extreme cases hernia. Yikes!

Most women who have core weakness may also experience pelvic floor dysfunction as well. Since your core and pelvic floor muscles work together as a team, when one is weak the other must compensate which leads to overuse and new problems. For me, aside from Diastasis, incontinence was something  that I dealt with my whole life and it got worse after having a baby. 

After spending ton of money on physiotherapy and months of personal research on what works and what doesn't, I have put together a simple step by step framework that I used for my recovery. This guide will save you lots of money and time. 

What is Diastasis Recti and how does it happen?

During pregnancy, as your uterus expands to accommodate your growing baby, it will place pressure on your abdominal muscles and the connective tissue (Linea Alba). 
As these 6-pack muscles (Rectus Abdominis) stretch apart, the connective tissue becomes very thin. 

Think of Linea Alba like an elastic band. The more its stretched, the thinner and weaker it becomes. Sometimes, if it's over stretched it will not bounce back the same as before leaving a gap between the abdominal muscles causing a bulge. This is a reason why you may still look pregnant long after delivery. 
"But There Is Hope!  If You Have 15 Min Per Day, You Can Have Toned Abs Too"
The GOOD NEWS is that as you heal and rebuild your abs, the mommy pooch will shrink and your waist will continue to get smaller.

In this 90 day program you will have the exact step by step process I used to heal and strengthen my core and pelvic floor post C-section and build shredded abs at age 38....and YES, you can do it too. No matter how old or how far postpartum you are! 

But not only that, I also want to give you a few extra things to help speed up your progress so you can get fit post pregnancy, start feeling amazing in your skin, gain confidence and be happy :)

Keep reading...
"Strong Core & Pelvic Floor"  A 90 day program for Diastasis Recti Recovery and Building Flat Toned Abs
Only $7.00
Yes... for about the price of a Happy Meal, you can get access to a framework that took me long time to perfect!

You Could Get The Script That Has Made Me More Money Than Anything Else I've Ever Done In This Business.
YES PLEASE! Give Me Instant Access To The Strong Core & Pelvic Floor Program RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
  • Instant Access To Strong Core & Pelvic Floor Program (Value 597.00)
  • Holistic Nutrition Guide To Help Return To Pre Baby Weight while Balancing Hormones & Promoting Lactation  (Value $397.00)
  • ​Full Access To Sleep Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind & Overcome Blockage While You Sleep (Value $197.00)
  • Instant Access To 15 daily Rituals Every Mom Needs To Know To Be a Shredded Mama For Life!  (Value $97.00)
  • Discover ​My 10 Natural Remedies To Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulites  (Value $57.00)
  • Progress Tracker & Printable Daily Checklist Chart  (Value $27.00)​

Total Value: $1,372

Regular Price $54.00

Today Just $7

It Doesn't Matter How Far Postpartum You Are... This Program Will Work For YOU!

  • You will have a strong core & flat tummy
  • ​You will have more energy and vitality
  • ​You feel more confident and happy
  • ​You will create new habits for lasting results 
  • ​You will be stronger both mentally & physically 
  • ​You will boost your metabolism and continue to burn calories
  • ​You will overcome the psychological blockage that holds you back from reaching your fitness goals 
  • ​​You will be proud of your body transformation
  • ​You will feel comfortable to get into your bathing suit again
  • ​You will notice a big shift in your mindset and positive change in all your relationships 
  • You will have a strong core & flat tummy
  • ​You will have more energy and vitality
  • ​You feel more confident and happy
  • ​You will create new habits for lasting results 
  • ​You will be stronger both mentally & physically 
  • ​You will boost your metabolism and continue to burn calories
  • ​You will overcome the psychological blockage that holds you back from reaching your fitness goals 
  • ​​You will be proud of your body transformation
  • ​You will feel comfortable to get into your bathing suit again
  • ​You will notice a big shift in your mindset and positive change in all your relationships 
Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Body Again? 
My Personal Transformation 
You have no control over your growing belly and all the changes that comes with it after...That can be very scary, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, self conscious and unhappy.

That's exactly how I felt... I was grateful for my healthy beautiful baby but felt overwhelmed like I had no control over my life.
Then I started training and stayed consistent with  my daily rituals. Bit by bit I lost the baby weight and started getting shredded. All from home with no equipments other than resistance bands.
I felt so amazing...
I had more energy, I felt stronger, I gained confidence and was in a much better headspace.

I created a simple framework containing a comprehensive approach to these 6 pillars of fitness  backed by science:
  • Nutrition
  • Training
  • ​​Rest  
  • Mindfulness 
  • Daily Rituals
  • ​Subconscious programming 
When You Get Your Copy Of "Strong Core & Pelvic Floor" (For Just $7.00)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - A Holistic Nutrition Guide To Help Return To Pre Baby Weight while Balancing Hormones & Promoting Lactation
"Meal Plan According To Your Lifestyle "
Total Value: $397
80% of a successful training regiment has to do with the right nutrition. This guide will help you understand how to transform your body without a strict low calorie diet. As a new mom you need to eat the right selection of superfoods to nourish your body, promote lactation and balance post pregnancy hormones and the right amount to gradually lose your baby weight. This nutrition guide will show you what foods to choose from and how much to eat tailored to your body's unique needs.  
Get This For FREE When You Order "Strong Core & Pelvic Floor" Program Today! 
Bonus #2 - Sleep Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind & Overcome Blockage While You Sleep
"How To Rewrite Your Subconscious Programming "
Total Value: $197
You may have tried other programs in the past to tone up or get shredded but failed...let me tell you that It's not your fault. Deep rooted beliefs or a negative self image could be holding you back from reaching your goals. Science indicates that reprogramming the subconscious mind while sleeping is indeed possible. This sleep hypnosis is the easiest way to rewrite negative beliefs with autosuggestions and affirmations as you fall to sleep
Get This For FREE When You Order "Strong Core & Pelvic Floor" Program Today! 
Bonus #3 - 15 daily Rituals Every Mom Needs To Know To Be A Shredded Mama For Life!
"Get Access To My Life Changing Daily Rituals  "
Total Value: $97
Daily Rituals are the the main reason some women succeed and some fail in the long term game. This is extremely important When it comes to having toned abs for life.
I will share with you the life changing daily habits that took me 20 years to learn. Following these simple daily rituals will ensure your long term success with having sexy toned abs. 
Get This For FREE When You Order "Strong Core & Pelvic Floor" Program Today! 
Bonus #4 - My 10 Natural Remedies To Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulites 
"Say Bye Bye To The Unwanted Lump Under Your Skin "
Total Value: $57
Yes, It is possible to get rid of cellulite or at least reduce the appearance of it. I will give you the 10 simple home remedies I do on regular basis that has helped me have smoother legs throughout the years.
Get This For FREE When You Order "Strong Core & Pelvic Floor" Program Today! 
Bonus #5 - Printable Progress Tracker & Daily Checklist Chart
" Get Motivated To Stay Consistent "
Total Value: $27
By placing this custom created printable progress tracker and daily checklist on the fridge or somewhere you can see daily, you are able to check off workouts & daily rituals to stay focused on what's important. This will speed up the process for creating positive daily habits and motivates you to stay consistent along the way. 

Research shows that those individuals following a progress tracker have a higher success rate in their weight loss journey. 
Get This For FREE When You Order "Strong Core & Pelvic Floor" Program Today! 
What Is The CATCH ?!
By now you might be wondering why am I giving you so much stuff for free and what is the catch? 
I get it, but I will promise you that there is NO CATCH except few personal reasons ! Let me share them with you.

For so long in my life I was searching for my purpose. The one thing I was meant to do to change the lives of others and have an impact on this world. I was expecting some crazy extraordinary thing that is going to take a lot of meditating and soul searching to find! lol

Then one day I had an epiphany!
After having my daughter, I had so many moms asking me about my secret to having abs.  I casually shared my tips and tricks with them and the feedback I got was amazing... 

Then it suddenly hit me. I found my calling. Helping moms getting shredded!
I spend a year gathering my framework and that is how this program came to life.

Second reason is that ​if you love this program and it gives you great results, I'm hoping that you will come back to me again in the future to buy my other programs. 

Lastly, I want to create a movement... #Shreddedmama
Moms who are strong inside and out and will pass on that strength to the next generation.
And I need your help to do this...

But hurry because...

Time Is Not an illusion...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
Some of the bonuses in this program will be part of my new program that is going to be launched soon for a higher price. Once that program is live, I will no longer be able offer these bonuses here for free and they will be removed. So what are you waiting for?
All it takes is 15 min per day to build your abs... 
You have Nothing To Lose & Everything To Gain!

Most programs out there will not give you any money back for digital products and workout programs but I care about you more than money...

I guarantee that you will absolutely love this program. If not..


I will gladly return your $7 plus an additional $7 and you still get to keep the program. 

All you have to do is to email me within 30 days. Sounds fair? 

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order ' Strong Core & Pelvic floor'
  • Holistic Nutrition Guide To Help Return To Pre Baby Weight while Balancing Hormones & Promoting Lactation 
  • ​​Instant Access To Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind & Overcome Blockage While You Sleep
  • ​Instant Access To 15 daily Rituals Every Mom Needs To Know Be A Shredded Mama For Life!
  • ​Discover ​My 10 Natural Remedies To Reduce the Appearance Of Cellulite
  • ​Printable Progress Tracker & Daily Checklist Chart
Claim Your Copy Now Before They're Gone!
Okay. With that said, I really hope you use everything here to heal your core post pregnancy and build that sexy toned abs you always dreamed about. 

Thanks again,
Adoriana Rastou
P.S. I can't wait to see your before & after pictures. Will you share them with me? 😊
YES PLEASE! Give Me Instant Access To 'Strong Core & Pelvic Floor' RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
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    Everything You're Going To Get
  • Instant Access To Strong Core & Pelvic Floor (Value $597)
  • Holistic Nutrition Guide To Help Return To Pre Baby Weight while Balancing Hormones & Promoting Lactation (Value $397)
  • Full Access To Sleep Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind & Overcome Blockage While You Sleep (Value $197)
  • ​Instant Access To 15 daily Rituals Every Mom Needs To Know To Be A Shredded Mama For Life! (Value $97)
  • Discover My10 Natural Remedies To Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulites (Value $57)
  • Printable Progress Tracker & Daily Checklist Chart   (Value $27.00)

Total Value: $1,372

Regular Price $54.00

Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $18: Are you an ultimate snacker like me? Then this recipe book is perfect for you. Full of simple sweet and savory recipes (with balanced macro calculation) specifically created to satisfy your cravings to make it easier for you to continue in your weight loss journey. (Includes gluten, dairy and sugar free, paleo & vegan recipes)

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